Legal News

BCTF Health and Safety Bulletin

The BC Teachers’ Federation recently issued a bulletin to its members suggesting that many ailments should be claimed under Workers’ Compensation rather than against sick leave and the BCTF long term disability plan. These ailments include “HIV, bite, mumps, asthma, rhinitis, measles, migraines, fifth disease, chicken pox, tuberculosis, conjunctivitis, voice dysfunction, psychological trauma, post traumatic stress disorder, critical incident stress, injuries to all parts of the body (knees, feet, ankles, back, neck, eyes, nose, arms shoulders, etc.) repetitive strain injury (RSI), sleep disturbances, hypertension, varicose veins, whooping cough, dermatitis, cancer, infections…” The bulletin also states that school boards and administrative officers are not permitted to discourage such claims on the basis that the ailment is not work related. It advises teachers to contact BCTF if that occurs.